Gamle Maend I Nye Biler 2002

2020. 2. 27. 11:58카테고리 없음

  1. Old Man In New Cars English Subtitles

Contents.Synopsis The last wish of the dying 'Monk' is for his foster child, Harald, to find his real son, Ludvig. But Ludvig is currently in a Swedish prison cell. Peter and Martin – the two chefs – help to get him out and soon father and son meet for the first time in their lives. They get on from the word go, but now dad needs a liver transplant in Ecuador and Ludvig and Harald set about raising the wherewithal. Everything goes wrong when they try to rob a bank, though they meet Mille, who puts them onto a new trail, and Peter and Martin also make a contribution.

However, soon they have the cops and the anti-terror corps on their tails.Cast. — Harald. — Martin. — Peter.

— Vuk. — Ludwig.

— Mille. — Munken.

— Erling. — Ratko. — Dan HansenReferences.

Comedy at it's best! The humour in this picture varies from lighter more jackass'isch to dark satirical aspects and sometimes borderline evil. The plot is probably totally impossible to explain for someone that hasn't seen it, with twists far beyond comprehension; the turns are as many as they are crazy.

The characters are twisted and shows both the best and the worst sides of humanity(or lack thereof). The only thing one could complain about is the music -you could wish for a bit more, but that's just a minor thing. There are several, independent, movies with the same characters which I highly recommend(all danish).

Naturally most people will compare this with the cult movie In china they eat dogs, since it is a sequel with same characters at most. A comparison is only to value if You have seen the first one of course. Anyway, I would say that I found this more fun then the first but it doesn't mean better.

The first has a more serious undertone. And I think it depends on what mode You are in when watching. I didn't have great expectations on this because of the reviews but laughed out loud many times because of silly situations. I would rank both films as 10 stars.

So refreshing non-Hollywood made, character, environment. I wouldn't say that this is so much pulp fiction but more Lock stock movie. There are so many holes in the plot but thats not important. You have to look beyond them and take it for what it is. Black humor at it's best, and as good as In China in every aspect. The name 'Old men in new cars' clearly makes you think of the expression 'Old wine in new bottles'.

In this case it is not in any negative sense - the film shows a lot of inspiration from other movies. Some inspiration comes from Danish folk humor, like 'Olsen Banden', some come from the precursor 'I Kina spiser de hunde', some come from 'Pusher' and so on.

Other inspiration comes from American action comedies - if you say Blues Brothers, you say car destruction and especially police car destruction in a very large scale. So that's how I see the old wine in new bottles - these good old themes still work fine. By the way, that's how most sequels work. There are many other quotes in the action scenes.

I won't reveal them all here, but there is some hot action in the Copenhagen Airport as well as in the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen (Olsen Banden quote here). The characters in the movie are very one-dimensional with the potential to be one-and-a-half dimensional later on in the movie. This is also typical for action comedies, and as such the stage is set for absurd situations with creative solutions to it. Do see the movie as pure slap-stick bizarre humor, no one should search for more here! The 1999 Danish black comedy In China They Eat Dogs brought an enjoyable gust of fresh air to the often overly serious Nordic cinema. The prequel Old Men in New Cars casts light on the characters' earlier life: Harald (Kim Bodnia) has just been released from prison and owes a large sum of money to a gangster named Ratko (Slavko Labovic) but doesn't let the debt bother him very much.

After his dying father figure Munken (Jens Okking) asks Harald to locate his estranged son Ludvig (Torkel Petersson), Harald and his cook friends Martin and Peter (Nikolaj Lie Kaas and Tomas Villum Jensen) and their new inept assistant Vuk (Brian Patterson) come up with a plan to get Ludvig, a multiple murderer with a sensitive side, out of a Swedish prison. While robbing a bank, they also they also become attached to a suicidal woman Mille (Iben Hjejle) who tags along and evokes new kinds of feelings in Ludvig. Next it is time for an elaborate airplane hijacking.

The main difference to the first movie is the absence of the mild-mannered Arvid, arguably the protagonist of In China They Eat Dogs. Instead, the prequel focuses on Harald and his ever-calm attitude to whatever obstacles life drops in front of him. The semi-reluctant Martin and Peter are the same as before, providing a lot of comedy with their awkward insecurity when things get rough and bodies start piling up, not to mention the always hapless Vuk who keeps getting seriously injured as a running gag in both movies. The main charm of the humour still lies in the deadpan delivery of the gang's outrageously implausible schemes, be it a prison break by bungee cord or an airplane robbery with an ambulance. The action scenes, while not as numerous as in Hollywood blockbusters, are well designed and both entertaining and exciting. Especially the car chase after the bank robbery deserves a special mention, rarely do we get to see such wreckage in any normal Nordic thriller. The actors also do a good job; especially Kaas and Jensen are great as the manipulatable henchmen of the menacing Kim Bodnia, but Iben Hjejle is a joy to watch as well.

Even though the absence of Arvid seems disappointing at first, it soon becomes obvious that Torkel Petersson's Ludvig is more than enough to replace him – Ludvig's homicidal tendencies mix with his caring side rather hilariously. The familiar absurd undercurrent is still strong and the humour and action are in good balance, so those who enjoyed In China They Eat Dogs have no reason to miss out Old Men in New Cars. In the first movie there was a serious theme under the surface, namely a mild-mannered man's desire to be true to himself, and while the prequel feels a bit more straightforward, it also presents a dramatic story about familial love.

In any case, both films belong among the best Danish films I have seen in a good while. I thought the first movie was great. Not only did it have cool action and great, if a little bizar humor, it was also slightly philosophical. This movie is devoid of the latter, but I still laughed my ass off.

It is a (pre)sequel, and taken as such, it is quite good. Story is weak and incoherent, direction is shabby, but the dialog, and bizar events, were right on the mark. If you have seen the first, and read this, you should know whether or not you will enjoy it. I know I did, even if it couldn't match up to the first (Hey, not much can.) So enjoy. While the previous movie ('I Kina spiser de hunde') was a sort of tribout to 'Pulp Fiction', celebrating the Travolta influence to film- making, this has great references to the best traditions of Danish movie-making. But - let me emphazise that. Both movies are masterpieces of great entertainment by itself.

The surprisingly story never seizes to amaze you. But maybe I should warn you: I am 46 years old and several (if not the majority!) of my. Don't seem to enjoy these movies.

I just re-saw this move, and it's just as good as i remembered it. I was curious of it's IMDb rating so I had a peek. Just to discover that this jewel of a film currently only have 6.7 is something that I find quite outrageous. So I decided to write my own review, and give credit where credit's due!

I'v read a couple of reviews here, and I see the people who bad-mouth this movie just don't get it. It's a (black)comedy so it's not supposed to be taken to serious. If you do take it seriously you'r in for 95 minutes of cynical meaningless violence. Well in that case this movie probably isn't for you. As for me, i found it hysterical!

The action sequences are a bit over the top one might say. Then i say:'c'mon c'mon, it's a comedy!' , at any rate the surreal car chases and what not is just stating this fact.

The effects aren't Hollywood-ish but still not bad for Nordic production, as far as i can see. The dialogue is a work of art itself. Some conversations is just random nonsense, but still just makes the character more believable. And some good linguistic 'jokes/spoofs' to, unfortunately some may get lost in translation.

Old Man In New Cars English Subtitles

With the absurd mix of characters, ranging from sociopathic to suicidal, some just plain insane, you know you'r in for a good pitch black comedy! By the way I have seen 'I Kina Spiser de Hunde' as well, but i didn't find it funny in comparison to this movie. So i like to look at it as two separate movies. Or independent movies, or whatever. Just my angle:). It's not everyones style, but I liked it very much. No pseudo deep sense.


Some funny scenes combined with action and a very little lovestory. Well, last I haven't needed, but it hasn't disturbed me. If you watch this movie you have to agree with your conscience that this is really only a movie.

It's made to entertain people. The story consists of Harald who just was released from prison and the first action he does is to commit a crime. Together with his two Henchmen Martin and Peter he has to get quite a lot of money. Harald is in dept and the Mafia wants its money fast. His compensation father needs a new liver and so the story is framed. Many little pieces are put together to a, in my opinion, good movie.

Who's not 'antiviolent' should have seen it. First off, i am surprised by people disapproving this movie on the grounds of the humour being at times unethical. The purpose of black humour is just to be able to laugh at matters that are usually considered outside of jokes, such as serious illness, or even murder - otherwise it would be plain humour, and not black humour;)?Spoilers (i wouldn't say so, but be warned anyway.) That said, this movie is stuffed with black humour, and amazing dialogue. Actionmovies (not the official genre of the movie, but still its action-packed) made to happen in Scandinavia aren't really realistic, so its a good thing this movie realizes this, and just as well exaggerates the whole thing - and makes it all even more hilarious.

I also enjoyed the linguistic humour, concerning the communication problems between the Swedish and the Danish, something lots of Scandinavians would recognize themselves in. See, we're supposed to understand everything that we all say, but its not always that easy;) Now, i haven't seen 'In china they eat dogs' yet, but I'm planning to, so i cannot really compare the two movies. But this movie alone, is absolutely recommendable if you enjoy black humour, and especially if your curious about how we sound up north:). I just watched this again for the first time in 15 years. I found it just as good fun second time around.

I've spent a lot of time in Denmark so it's worth pointing out that some of the humour here is very Danish. Until you know DK very well, some of their humour doesn't always translate to an English audience. The bit where they meet the Swedish hotel man cracked me up (that's how Danes view Swedes:) so there's also some 'regional' humour going on. It's written, acted and directed well and overall, it's a fun watch with a lot of slapstick style humour. Maybe it actually is terrible amusing to let a psycho molest and abuse people on film, but in that case I completely missed the point here.The main character, Harald, controls a gang of pathetic small time crocks/chefs. Their main focus is to provide Harald's dying mentor with a new organ, because the poor old creature probably drank it away.

This leads them in the arms of the mentors estranged son, a Swedish serial killer with a longing for fatherly love that he compensates for by abusing and strangulate women - well, with the exception of Iben Hjejle, who used to date a football player, that the gang happened to kill.doh.sounds kind of lame right? Avoid this piece of nonsense, and instead go and rent 'Pusher' or 'Bleeder' if you want to experience good and intense Danish crime movies. Blame me for watching it before the first part but still when I analyze it now I have to say this one was a vast improvement from the first one. It has a concrete storyline throughout the film and does not stray much into the subplots unlike the first one. I thoroughly enjoyed the flow of story which looked more plausible thanks to the crisp editing and intelligent direction which doesn't give you much time to ponder around. All in all, a highly superior sequel to follow up the brilliant 'In China they eat dogs'.

Yes, I wouldn't mind at all if the director comes up with some wacky storyline and decides to complete the trilogy with the third one and I'm sure there will be lots of others who'll agree with me!! It doesn't happen often that I can't finish watching a movie. Still, 45 minutes into this particular movie, and I just couldn't take it anymore. I felt complete lack of compassion for the main characters. Their goal was despicable (to rob enough money to buy a liver - and one can only guess how one gets a liver and what happens to its previous owner) Their means were disturbing (violent bank robbery with hostages and they were just beginning when I stopped watching) They themselves inspired only contempt in me (one was a serial killer - killed 5 women and was just starting again, another was an ex-convict lacking any self-restraint, other two guys were complete weaklings and worse of them all) So after struggling for a while I just gave up. This was supposed to be a black comedy/underground movie. From my standpoint it fails at both genres.

If you want to see a great underground movie see 'Reservoir Dogs'. If you want to see a great black comedy see anything by Monty Python's Flying Circus crew or a classic like 'Arsenic and Old Lace'. Rating: 1/10. After reading the previous sour comment I feel provoked to make a comment on 'Old Men in New Cars', which is absolutely one of my favourite actions movies. The genre is a satiric high-speed kind of action movie, and dark comedy. The two innocent cooks known from 'In China They Eat Dogs' is once again forced into criminal actions by their boss, and this time their job is to free their boss' dying stepfather's biological Swedish son, a serial murder of women, from a high security prison in Sweden, and bring him to Denmark to see the dying man.

They succeed to bring the guy (who occasionally murder a few women on the way though Sweden) and of course that means lots of trouble and new opportunity for all of them. I like this movie. I like the car chases in small unimpressive cars, the inexplicit humour and play with referrals to other movies. Yesterday I had the chance to see 'Old Men In New Cars' at the Filmfest Hamburg. What a great movie.

I hope this film will come into cinemas soon. This is supposed to be a prequel to 'In China They Eat Dogs' but it stands very well on its own. The characters we already know from 'In China They Eat Dogs' are the same as is the weird, black humor. It lacks the two supernatural beings from the first film, but you don't really miss them. On the other hand, there is more action and more violence in it than in 'In China They Eat Dogs'. And it is really funny.

When I think about some of the scenes, I still have to laugh.Possible spoilers ahead- The film is about Harald, who, just released from jail, wants to fulfill the last wish of his dying foster father: He wants to see his son. Of course nobody knew he actually had a son. The son, Ludvig, sits in a Swedish jail. So our heroes Harald and his two cooks, and Vuk of course, get him out of jail only to learn, that he is a serial killer that starts his 'obsession' as soon as he gets the chance. And then, of course, there are our Croatian friends, this time all dressed in black T-shirts with a double-headed eagle on the front and huge (and I mean HUGE) golden necklaces, whom Harald owes money.

Harald also needs money to get his foster father a liver transplant in Southern America to save his life. After a bank robbery which fails, the Croatians suggest he rob an airplane while it is about to take two containers with money on board. Now just imagine a deadly sick old man, who is drugged with opium and the last time he flew a plane was about 40 years ago, on the control stick, and the police trying to stop the plane. Anybody who is afraid to fly should close his eyes during that scene or you'll never get in a plane again. Absolutely hilarious.

And the tricks they used in that sequence are really good. As are the car stunts. There are several dead bodies, lots of car crashes, the Swedish get their share, the plans our heroes try to carry out are totally impracticable, but they do it anyway and somehow they succeed with them (well, almost), and in the end, everybody is happy. Well, most of them. I hope this film gets released Europe wide soon, because I have to watch it again.

Great entertainment, though not for the whole family. That's really all I can say about a film like this. I had very little interest in seeing this film to begin with, so that says something about my lack of enthusiasm all around I guess.

If at all, I was slightly interested because the film does star Kim Bodnia from 'Pusher', which I love. Oddly enough, the film seems to begin as something of a parody of 'Pusher', which I assume was intentional, especially considering that the films also share another actor in a nearly identical role.

From there the film (more or less) progresses in it's silly, oddball way, completely unengaging but totally harmless. It seemed to jerk unsteadily between conventional mainstream lowbrow comedy and what I can only assume is a more specified Danish brand of dark humor. Of the two, I definitely preferred the latter, that is, in the brief moments when I could understand it. Sometimes I had the feeling that, even then, I was missing the jokes and possibly laughing at unintended things. I have to admit that I found the most pleasure in this film from imagining it being remade as a sequel to Wes Anderson's 'Bottle Rocket', for whatever that is worth.